Graduate Programs
SFS graduate programs strive to enroll a diverse class of students who have demonstrated academic excellence, a wide range of personal and professional experiences, a commitment to service and a passion for their area of study. We seek students who can contribute to the education of their peers and to their field.
How to Apply
Prospective graduate students can submit your application online via a secure system managed by Georgetown University. We encourage you to thoroughly read the important information about the application process, policies and procedures.

Financial Aid
At SFS, we are committed to giving students of all backgrounds the opportunity to study international affairs. Over 50% of our graduate students receive some funding from Georgetown University in order to attend. Our students also utilize external funding opportunities from private foundations and government fellowships, in addition to loans.

U.S. Foreign Service Fellowships at SFS
Public service is at the heart of our mission at SFS. As part of our commitment to develop the next generation of values-led global public servants, SFS is committed to funding the difference between the sponsored tuition amount and full-time tuition, health insurance and mandatory fees for a limited number of admitted Pickering, Rangel and Payne Fellows each year.