Washington, DC
Washington, DC is the city at the heart of our nation. With its abounding professional, recreational, and academic opportunities, our location creates a unique learning environment conducive to a comprehensive, hands-on education in international affairs. What better place to study global dynamics than in one of the most influential cities – in politics, economics, business, and society – in the world?

Living in Washington, DC
The Georgetown area gives the University an intimate neighborhood feel while being directly adjacent to one of the most exciting cities in the world. Georgetown University students live in the idyllic northwestern corner of DC. On the Hilltop sits a picturesque campus teeming with Hoyas; step outside the front gates, and you’ll find yourself only several blocks from bustling M Street, the heart of the Georgetown district. M Street boasts of nightlife, restaurants for an international palate, and shopping at local and international stores. Just a few steps farther and students will find themselves on the Georgetown Waterfront with views of the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial, and Washington Monument in one direction, and of the Key Bridge and Healy Hall in another. A four-mile loop will take students, walking or running, to the National Mall for close up views of the monuments and the historic Smithsonian Museums.
A short walk, cab ride, Uber, or metro trip beyond the edge of Georgetown delivers students to the doorsteps of DC. Stop at the White House, take a tour of the Capitol building, and check out the original Declaration of Independence at the National Archives. You and your friends can attend a baseball game at Nationals Park, a concert at the 9:30 Club, or walk through the Smithsonians or one of the many nearby museums.
Internships in DC
Our location also makes SFS students prime candidates for interning in DC while they study on campus. “Hillternships” or internships on Capitol Hill, are popular entry routes into government for SFS students interested in working with their senator or congressional representative. In addition to interning on the Hill, SFS students pursue internships with other government departments, international nonprofits headquartered in DC, and with major local consulting agencies, among many others.