Category: News, Students

Title: SFS Senior Matt Beshke Embraces Learning, Friendships at Georgetown

Matt BeshkeMatt Beshke
SFS, Class of 2018, Global Business
Hong Kong & Manhattan Beach, CA
Language: Chinese
Minor: Chinese, Asian Studies Certificate
On-Campus Activities: Georgetown Chimes (president); Mask & Bauble Dramatic Society (board member, actor); Blue & Gray Tour Guide Society; New Student Orientation (Orientation Advisor, Captain); SFS Peer Advisor
Non-GU Activities: Intern at Global Language Project; Asia Business intern at Pacific Bridge Medical; intern at UBS in Sales & Trading

Jumbotron at basketball game with excited fan on screen.
One of Beshke’s highlights was winning Fan of the Game at a Georgetown basketball game!

The Definition Of An SFS Education

Beshke’s interest in Asian Studies and Chinese did not originate with his studies at the SFS, but since coming to the Hilltop, has increased significantly. He grew up in Hong Kong and later moved to California. In high school, he returned to Asia, traveling in China for two summers. While applying to colleges as a senior in high school, he knew he wanted a school that catered to the international interests he had developed early on and cultivated in high school. “At Georgetown and at the SFS in particular, I knew that I would find classes, professors, and peers that shared my interests in international relations and global affairs, and would push me to learn more about them every day during my four years on the Hilltop.”

Beshke combined this interest in Asian affairs and global business during an internship with Pacific Bridge Medical, a medical consulting firm that focuses on the Asian market. In addition, he interned at UBS in the summer of 2017 in the Sales & Trading division prior to getting an offer to join the firm full-time.

Group of people pose for a photo in front of a statue.
This past year, Beshke was a Captain for New Student Orientation.

In addition to his business studies, Beshke earned a Chinese minor; the hard-earned product of  six intensive Chinese language courses during his time in college. In addition, he passed his SFS proficiency test in Chinese. This passion for language learning translated to a summer job at The Global Language Project, a non-profit which supports foreign language learning, particularly in underserved communities.

Though Beshke came to the SFS with an idea of what he wanted to study, it was the classes that forced him to go outside of his comfort zone that pushed him to learn the most. The SFS core, which includes philosophy, theology, history, and economics, entirely transformed his college experience. “I was surprised by how much I enjoyed taking classes across different disciplines and by how much exposure I was able to get to other realms of study during my time on the Hilltop.”

Beyond just classes, his friends and classmates studying a wide variety of other fields also transformed his experience. “Outside of the classroom, I’ve been able to have conversations about my friends’ work across all four schools and have really enjoyed getting to broaden my base of knowledge well beyond what I came to Georgetown to study.”

Actors and actresses pose for a photo on a stage.
Sophomore year, Beshke was in Mask & Bauble’s spring musical “Into the Woods”

Relationships with Professors and Peers

Beshke credits the SFS not only for introducing him to influential professors and mentors, but also for giving him lifelong friends. He says that the people – both professors and students – are what he will miss most about being at Georgetown. From the friends he met on his freshman floor to the upperclassmen who mentored him and all those he met while involved in on-campus activities, Beshke treasures his relationships.“I consider myself lucky and privileged to go to school with all the amazing classmates I have here at Georgetown. The students here are driven, yet incredibly supportive, and through many, many, conversations over the years, have changed the way I see the world and those around me.”

Beshke’s relationships with his professors during his four years at Georgetown undoubtedly changed him for the better. “Some of the coolest people that you’ll meet on this campus are your professors. Take time to get to know them, because even outside of their research, you never know when a relationship with a professor on this campus might end up being one that changes your life.”

Professor Victor Cha’s Modern Asia class stood out as one of Beshke’s favorite classes. “He did a phenomenal job of putting together a class about my favorite region in the world that was accessible, interesting, and even funny at times. Not to mention hearing about his personal experience in the field, which was both impressive and intimidating!”

Group of acapella singers pose for a photo on stage.
Beshke’s final Cherry Tree Massacre with the Georgetown Chimes was a favorite memory at Georgetown.

Taking Advantage Of Opportunities At Georgetown: A How-To

Outside of the classroom, Beshke immersed himself in the Georgetown experience, getting involved with the Georgetown Chimes a cappella singing group, the Blue & Gray Tour Guide Society, the Mask & Bauble Dramatic Society, and New Student Orientation. Senior year, Beshke was President of the Georgetown Chimes. He looks back fondly on his first Mask & Bauble show on the stage in Poulton Hall as a freshman. “One of my favorite memories at Georgetown was stepping out on stage, knowing that many of my friends (and a few strangers!) from my freshman New South floor had come to support me in the audience.” This February, he sang on the stage for Cherry Tree Massacre with the Chimes for the final time in front of family and friends, a bittersweet moment and another favorite memory to cap off his time at Georgetown.

Beshke advises future Georgetown freshmen to take advantage of all that campus and D.C. have to offer. “Never turn down a chance to do something cool. You’ll never regret leaving the library to go see a once-in-a-lifetime speaker, catch a performance from a student group you’ve never seen before, or even grab a meal with friends down at The Tombs.” Ultimately, he learned the most from those around him and encourages others to do the same. “With all the diverse communities here on Georgetown’s campus, there’s always something captivating going on on campus, and you’ll always enjoy being able to catch a glimpse of, or learn about, someone else’s passion.”

In the future, Beshke’s goal is to see as much of the world as he can. He ultimately credits the SFS with giving him a greater appreciation of the world as a whole. “The SFS has taught me the importance of a global education in an increasingly polarized world, and I hope to spread what I’ve learned here at Georgetown across the world to help make it a better place.”