Category: Global Experience Student

Title: Cecilia Fan (MSFS’25) interns in Stockholm, Sweden as an Wallenberg International Fellow

In the summer of 2024, Cecilia (MSFS ‘25) participated as a Wallenberg International Fellow in Stockholm, Sweden, where she immersed herself in both the rich culture and a thriving professional setting. Interning at Ericsson, a global telecommunications leader, she gained valuable insights into project management and strategic development, while deepening her understanding of fintech and financial services. This experience fueled her growing passion for the intersection of technology and finance, an area she is excited to explore further in her academic and professional pursuits. Outside of her internship, Cecilia’s time in Sweden was enriched by cultural discoveries, meaningful connections, and the close-knit support of the Wallenberg community, making it a deeply impactful and memorable summer.

Outside of work, I had the pleasure of living with my fellow Wallenberg Fellows in the same apartment, which allowed us to spend a lot of time together. We took trips to various places, including Tallinn, Estonia, and the islands in the Swedish Archipelago, and enjoyed exploring a wide range of international cuisines. One of the most memorable experiences from this summer was celebrating Swedish Midsummer at our landlord’s summer house on an island. He took us there by speedboat, and we had a wonderful time with his family, experiencing traditional Swedish dishes and participating in the community’s joyful celebration of dancing around the maypole. That day, I felt a deep connection to the land and its people, and I fell so in love with Swedish culture.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am for the opportunity to be in Sweden; it has not only enhanced my skill set but also enriched me emotionally. The Wallenberg alumni community is like a close-knit family where everyone supports and cares for each other. This summer will forever be remembered and cherished as a pivotal chapter in my life.”