From activities and certificates through one of SFS’s world-class regional centers and programs, to study abroad, international summer internships and research, Centennial Lab classes; or spring break opportunities, close to 80% of SFS students spend time abroad during their undergraduate experience.

Whether you want to earn credit through course-embedded travel or participate on alternative break trips and volunteer opportunities, students have a large number of options to choose from.

SFS students often spend their summers exploring independent research, unpaid internships, or service-learning/volunteer experiences. Whether you are looking for immersion programs to study in the local language or you would like something dynamic, short-term, and in English, take the time to explore the opportunities that are right for you.

(LEFT) Eve Elias (SFS‘25) spent the summer of 2023 completing an intensive Arabic language program in Amman, Jordan on a U.S. State Department Critical Language Scholarship (CLS). In Amman, Elias studied both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the Levantine dialect, Shaami. Originally from Puerto Rico, Elias is a culture and politics major with thematic concentrations in environmental displacement and human rights, and a minor in Arabic.

(RIGHT) In the summer of 2023, Komal Samrow (SFS’25) worked as a communications volunteer for UNICEF Türkiye’s country office in Ankara, Turkey as part of the Paul F. Pelosi Scholars Initiative. She helped draft and edit written stories and video content to promote UNICEF’s ongoing earthquake relief efforts in southeastern Turkey, as well as curated communications materials to share with local media outlets and prospective donors. The highlight of Samrow’s experience was the opportunity to help share the stories of earthquake survivors and mobilize international support to rebuild local communities. Samrow (SFS’25) is a culture and politics major, with a minor in international development, and is pursuing a certificate in South Asian studies.