Brian Bumpas is a Boren Fellow and a second-year graduate student in the Asian Studies (MASIA) program at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He specializes in the politics and security of Northeast Asia, focusing on nuclear security and cross-Strait relations between China and Taiwan. This summer, he served as a Young Ambassador with the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing while concurrently attending Tsinghua University’s Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies. At Georgetown, Brian has served as chief of staff for the Graduate Student Government and as a research intern with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Before coming to the Hilltop, Brian completed two Fulbright grants in Taiwan as an English Teaching Assistant. He is originally from sunny Southern California and is always looking for an opportunity to sing karaoke with friends and colleagues!
Category: Students, Summer SFS
Title: Brian Bumpas
Date Published: October 13, 2017